Counsel One is a Young Organisation into the field of Education and Training. We are a forward thinking and forward looking organisation always yearning for the best. Innovation and Enterprise are the driving forces for the organisation. We are looking at knowledge management from a wider global perspective.
The chain of knowledge is vast. Our long-term goals are to involve and enthuse everyone who is ready to learn and share. Obviously it is a two way process; we learn somewhere and we share at other places. We are trageting students to start with. The youngsters are the future and we start sharing our experiences and "grey hair views" to make sure that the future leaders and professionals can see the bigger picture as soon as possible. Our other partners are Universities, Faculty members and Corporate Sector, considering the chain of knowledge. We would like to mention here that we are not touching the knowledge based social issues. Our current aim is to use the knowledge in developing private enterprise. We would be looking at knowledge centres of future where we could share a common platform for social development in terms of culture and humanity.
For our partner universities and institutions, we carry out various marketing activities in order to save them time and cost and help them directing their marketing resources in the right direction. We work as business partners to these institutions and make way for a two way support mechanism. For us its all about working as a team by sharing systems, knowledge, best practice and learning.
Counsel One © 2020. All rights reserved